Other Libraries and Techs
Next Js Express Mongoose Tailwind Bootstrap Github Pubnub Socket IO JQuery Google Maps
E-commerce App
A full-stack E-commerce & Dashboard with CMS app, with the ability to create multiple store instance and manage using the admin panel. The state management is done using Zustand and styling using Tailwind CSS. For Authentication have used Clerk Auth. Have used ShadCn UI as a UI library
Next Js Prisma Tailwind Zustand ShadCN UI
Task Management App
A trello like app for task management, It has drag and drop functionality with backend integration using Graphql.
GraphQL MongoDB Tailwind React Js
A server side rendered application built on react, next and express js for ssr, there are multiple types of filter and sorting of products implemented in this. this application serves as an online service for web where users can post the ads to sell their products.
React Redux Express Next Js
Booking Sathi
A server side rendered application built on react and next, this application is for booking flights and hotel. There are features like searching flights of cities around the world and also various filters to sort the flights listing.
React Redux Next Js Bootstrap 4
Adapt Odisha
A government portal build on Angular (Under Development)
Angular Pubnub Bootstrap 4
ALIMCO CSR Business Monitoring System
An application built on Angular and Pubnub for real time notification
Angular Pubnub Bootstrap 4
Samagra | Transforming Governance
React Application built using React, Gatsby
React Material UI
This project is a Progressive Web Application (Mobile first app) built on Angular, the UI is made with using Bootstrap 4. It's a carbon footprint calculator.
Angular Jquery Bootstrap 4
My Prodigee
This is my first project on Angular. Used few core features of Angular like Route Guarding, Routing, Subscribing to route changes through Rxjs. It's an application for study material and school performance for kids.
Angular Jquery Bootstrap 4
Built the UI on Bootstrap 3, used Jquery and Jquery drag & drop for the DOM manipulation. Integrated few Api's using Ajax. This is a SMS sending portal feel free to sign up to see more.
JQuery Jquery UI Bootstrap 3
Built the UI using fuse material design and jquery. This is portal for doctors and as well as patients for physiotherapy consultation. Feel free to sign up to see the material design section.
Bootstrap Material Jquery
This is my first hybrid application built on Ionic framework. It's an appointment booking application for patients.
Ionic Hybrid App
This template is built on Bootstrap 4, it's a Freelancing website template.
Bootstrap 4 Jquery
This is a web application made using Angular, this application is for book lovers. Also made this for practice purpose. Used core things of Rxjs and also looking forward to add more feature into this like View sample of book and precise searching algorithm. It's at alpha version at the moment.
Angular Bootstrap 4
Yor Video Downloader
This is a video downloader via link on the video from any source like youtube, facebook, twitch etc. Just paste the link of the video and it'll generate the download links of that video
Express JS Socket IO Jquery
Mat Football
This is progressive web application made using Angular, it's just a basic application which shows football score and league tables of european leagues, made this just for practice purpose. Still more development to do but you can surely check it out.
Angular Angular Material Bootstrap 4